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RDBN Emergency Plans

The Emergency Program Act Legislation requires all local governments to be prepared to respond to emergencies. Local governments are responsible for providing Public Safety, preparedness, response activities, and implementing emergency plans within their boundaries. The RDBN’s Emergency Management Program is always developing and adapting as legislation changes and we gain more experience responding to events.

The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako’s (RDBN) Emergency Management Program has been built in consultation with the Province of BC’s British Columbia Emergency Management System (BCEMS) framework and is supported and developed with direction from the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Board of Directors. 

Inquiries can be directed to the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Director of Protective Services or Emergency Services Manager at (250) 692-3195 or 1-800-320-3339 or email

RDBN Emergency Response and Recovery Plans

Through a Hazard, Risk, and Vulnerability analysis and utilizing our extensive experience responding to emergency events, the RDBN has developed the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan guiding the RDBN emergency response. The development of this plan has evolved over the years as we gain more experience responding to emergency events and learning new ways to support our residents. The following is a list of the current completed plans and addendums.

Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan


  • Elected Officials Emergency Management Handbook
    • Quick Reference Guide
  • Hazard, Risk, & Vulnerability Analysis
  • Regional Emergency Support Services Plan
  • Crisis Communication
  • Fort Fraser Water & Sewer

Under Development

  • Business Continuity
  • Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan