For a list of materials accepted at each Transfer Station, please select the location you plan on using: 

Smithers/Telkwa and Area A (Smithers/Telkwa Rural) Transfer Station and Recycling Depot

Granisle and Area G (Houston/Granisle Rural) Transfer Station

Houston and Area G (Houston/Granisle Rural) Transfer Station and Recycling Depot

Burns Lake and Area B (Burns Lake Rural) Transer Station and Recycling Depot

Southside and Area E (Francois/Ootsa Lake Rural) Transfer Station

Fraser Lake and Area D (Fraser Lake Rural) Transfer Station and Recycling Depot

Fort St. James and Area C (Fort St. James Rural) Transfer Station and Recycling Depot

Vanderhoof and Area F (Vanderhoof Rural) Transfer Station and Recycling Depot


Infested Materials

The RDBN accepts infested materials at our Transfer Stations. This can include bed bugs, cockroaches, or other pests. 
Some important things to remember are:

1) We are here to help, no question is too small. Please call the RDBN at 1-800-320-3339 with any questions. 

2) If you have a large amount of infested material, it should be delivered to a landfill location.
Call the RDBN at 1-800-320-3339 for the closest location and infested building material drop-off fees.

2) If you have a small amount, bring it to the Transfer Station and let the attendant know you are dropping off infested material. Bag (double bag is best) the infested material before delivering it to the Transfer Station. Wrapping in plastic or tarps is preferred.