
Information on the housing needs within the region and funding options available to developers are linked below. Developers can access low-interest loans for the construction of middle-income and affordable rental housing through BC Builds and CMHC. If you are a developer, builder, or tradesperson, it is recommended that you watch this page for information on opportunities within the region.

Low-Interest Loans

Provides low-interest and repayable loans to developers. There is also a list of projects in BC seeking bids for developers and operators.

Link to BC Builds

The Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) can provide low-cost repayable loans paired with forgivable loans to build new affordable housing and repair/renew existing affordable and community housing.

Link to CMHC 

Predevelopment funding in the form of interest free loans is available to municipal, provincial and territorial governments, First Nations, housing providers and the private sector.

Link to CMHC

Housing Needs Reports

Call for Developers, Builders, and Tradespeople

Information on opportunities within the RDBN will be made available here.  If you have any questions or would like to receive an email notification when opportunities come available, please contact the Housing Coordinator to be added to the list.