Canada Community-Building Fund
The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako has access to a funding program called the Canada Community-Building Fund (formerly Federal Gas Tax). This funding program has been made available by the Government of Canada and can be used for infrastructure projects that support productivity and economic growth, a clean environment, and strong cities and communities (hereinafter referred to as the "criteria").
The project must be for public infrastructure which provides a public use and benefit component. The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed project meets this requirement.
Regional District Board of Directors will consider funding applications from registered non-profit societies and municipalities operating within our Regional District boundaries for projects meeting the aforementioned criteria.
The application process includes the following
- Contact the Manager of Regional Economic Development with a project description. The Manager will review the project and work with the organization to determine eligibility (including status as a non-profit society, ownership of the property, if the criteria has been met, project category and eligibility of expenditures, etc.)
- Discuss the project with the Electoral Area Director.
- Submit a completed application form and all required attachments. The application will be reviewed and considered at a future Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Board meeting.
- If approved, the applicant will be required to sign a funding contract with the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako and submit further required documentation prior to receiving funding for the project.
This documentation is for information purposes only and does not represent a funding commitment by the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako. Further, if your application is approved for funding, this document does not limit the requirements of your Society as detailed in the Canada Community-Building Fund Contract with the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako.
Manager of Regional Economic Development, Nellie Davis, can be reached by phone at (250) 692-3195, or by email at